MKS Granville Phillips 274,銥絲,Bayard-Alpert,1 英吋可伐金屬,玻璃離子真空計。編號:274006

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<中心> MKS Granville Phillips 銥絲玻璃離子測量管,Bayard-Alpert 型,1 英吋端口,真空壓力表。
MKS Granville Phillips 零件號碼:274006
這些 MKS Granville Phillips 銥玻璃離子計管具有 1 英寸 Kovar 金屬入口外徑真空連接端口,工作範圍為 1x10-3 至 2x10-10托爾。這些離子計管與大多數現代熱陰極離子計管相容。它們具有 10 Torr-1 的靈敏度和標準工作電壓(集電極 0 VDC,閘極 +180 VDC,燈絲 -30 VDC,5 VAC)。 MKS Granville Phillips 釷塗層銥 (IR) 燈絲配置可用於任何清潔應用,但在潛在富氧環境中特別實用。所有紅外線燈絲都有氧化釷塗層,可將電子發射增加到與鎢絲大致相同的水平。然而,銥絲可能會被金屬或有機污染物強烈降解,導致精度差(絲很容易被擴散泵或機械真空泵回流的油中毒)。氧化釷塗層的紅外線具有很強的抗氧化性,甚至可以在工作過程中短暫暴露在大氣中,不會損壞或縮短燈絲壽命。

銥離子規管通常可以透過單一白色「髮夾」形狀的細絲來識別,並且在插頭端有四個外部引線。這款 MKS Granville Phillips 真空計管可與 MKS Granville Phillips、MKS Instruments、Perkin Elmer、Varian 和 & 製造的大多數熱陰極離子真空計控制器配合使用。維科。

MKS Granville Phillips 型號 260、270、280、303、306、307 330、340 、350 等。 MKS 儀器 290、919、929
珀金埃爾默 DGC3
瓦里安 831、836、842、844、845、880、971-0003、971-0014、971-1008、多重壓力表、瓦里安 571 管 K2471301
維科 RG2、RG3、RG21、RG31、RG81、RG83、RG84、RG830、RG840、RG1000、RG1002

GP_Stabil-Ion_VacGauge_370_.pdf (GP_Stabil-Ion_VacGauge_370_.pdf, 516 Kb) [下載]

Granville-Phillips_Series_274_Bayard_Alpert_Type_Ionization_Gauges.pdf (Granville-Phillips_Series_274_Bayard_Alpert_Type_Ionization_Gauges.pdf, 576 Kb) [下載]

Granville-Phillips_270_Manual.pdf (Granville-Phillips_270_Manual.pdf, 1,813 Kb) [下載]

MKS_937aDataSheet.pdf (MKS_937aDataSheet.pdf, 1,261 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf (MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf, 508 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf (MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf, 508 Kb) [下載]

MKS-421-Cold-Cathode-Ionization-Gauge.pdf (MKS-421-Cold-Cathode-Ionization-Gauge.pdf, 2,181 Kb) [下載]

900seriesDS.pdf (900seriesDS.pdf, 567 Kb) [下載]

909AR_DS.pdf (909AR_DS.pdf, 564 Kb) [下載]

910DS.pdf (910DS.pdf, 406 Kb) [下載]

919_Hot_CathodeController_2.pdf (919_Hot_CathodeController_2.pdf, 453 Kb) [下載]

925DS.pdf (925DS.pdf, 347 Kb) [下載]

979B_DS.pdf (979B_DS.pdf, 500 Kb) [下載]

999QuattroDS.pdf (999QuattroDS.pdf, 563 Kb) [下載]

HPS901ds.pdf (HPS901ds.pdf, 530 Kb) [下載]

hps902ds.pdf (hps902ds.pdf, 406 Kb) [下載]

MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf (MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf, 1,037 Kb) [下載]

MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf (MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf, 1,037 Kb) [下載]

PDR900ds.pdf (PDR900ds.pdf, 442 Kb) [下載]

MKS_937A_op_maint.pdf (MKS_937A_op_maint.pdf, 1,862 Kb) [下載]

MKS_943-manual.pdf (MKS_943-manual.pdf, 424 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf (MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf, 240 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf (MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf, 240 Kb) [下載]

901manual.pdf (901manual.pdf, 5,330 Kb) [下載]

902manual.pdf (902manual.pdf, 336 Kb) [下載]

909AR_manual.pdf (909AR_manual.pdf, 230 Kb) [下載]

910manual.pdf (910manual.pdf, 581 Kb) [下載]

925manual.pdf (925manual.pdf, 2,542 Kb) [下載]

971-MANUAL.pdf (971-MANUAL.pdf, 2,508 Kb) [下載]

974-MANUAL_2.pdf (974-MANUAL_2.pdf, 4,233 Kb) [下載]

979manual.pdf (979manual.pdf, 393 Kb) [下載]

999manual.pdf (999manual.pdf, 365 Kb) [下載]

MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer-Manual.pdf (MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer-Manual.pdf, 3,227 Kb) [下載]

PDR900-12man.pdf (PDR900-12man.pdf, 922 Kb) [下載]

901_pinOut_2.pdf (901_pinOut_2.pdf, 263 Kb) [下載]

902_pinOut.pdf (902_pinOut.pdf, 109 Kb) [下載]

909AR_pinOut_.pdf (909AR_pinOut_.pdf, 201 Kb) [下載]

910_pinOut.pdf (910_pinOut.pdf, 239 Kb) [下載]

925_pinOut.pdf (925_pinOut.pdf, 242 Kb) [下載]

971_pinOut.pdf (971_pinOut.pdf, 213 Kb) [下載]

971_pinOut.pdf (971_pinOut.pdf, 213 Kb) [下載]

979B_pinOut.pdf (979B_pinOut.pdf, 218 Kb) [下載]

999_pinOut.pdf (999_pinOut.pdf, 164 Kb) [下載]

MKS_910_1.pdf (MKS_910_1.pdf, 466 Kb) [下載]

MKS_SoftValve_1.pdf (MKS_SoftValve_1.pdf, 881 Kb) [下載]

226A-228A-1028109-001-MAN.pdf (226A-228A-1028109-001-MAN.pdf, 580 Kb) [下載]

MKS_937aDataSheet.pdf (MKS_937aDataSheet.pdf, 1,261 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf (MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf, 508 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf (MKS_947ConvectionPiraniGuage.pdf, 508 Kb) [下載]

MKS-421-Cold-Cathode-Ionization-Gauge.pdf (MKS-421-Cold-Cathode-Ionization-Gauge.pdf, 2,181 Kb) [下載]

900seriesDS.pdf (900seriesDS.pdf, 567 Kb) [下載]

909AR_DS.pdf (909AR_DS.pdf, 564 Kb) [下載]

910DS.pdf (910DS.pdf, 406 Kb) [下載]

919_Hot_CathodeController_2.pdf (919_Hot_CathodeController_2.pdf, 453 Kb) [下載]

925DS.pdf (925DS.pdf, 347 Kb) [下載]

979B_DS.pdf (979B_DS.pdf, 500 Kb) [下載]

999QuattroDS.pdf (999QuattroDS.pdf, 563 Kb) [下載]

HPS901ds.pdf (HPS901ds.pdf, 530 Kb) [下載]

hps902ds.pdf (hps902ds.pdf, 406 Kb) [下載]

MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf (MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf, 1,037 Kb) [下載]

MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf (MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer_DataSheet.pdf, 1,037 Kb) [下載]

PDR900ds.pdf (PDR900ds.pdf, 442 Kb) [下載]

MKS_937A_op_maint.pdf (MKS_937A_op_maint.pdf, 1,862 Kb) [下載]

MKS_943-manual.pdf (MKS_943-manual.pdf, 424 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf (MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf, 240 Kb) [下載]

MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf (MKS_947_Operation_and_Maintenace_Manual.pdf, 240 Kb) [下載]

901manual.pdf (901manual.pdf, 5,330 Kb) [下載]

902manual.pdf (902manual.pdf, 336 Kb) [下載]

909AR_manual.pdf (909AR_manual.pdf, 230 Kb) [下載]

910manual.pdf (910manual.pdf, 581 Kb) [下載]

925manual.pdf (925manual.pdf, 2,542 Kb) [下載]

971-MANUAL.pdf (971-MANUAL.pdf, 2,508 Kb) [下載]

974-MANUAL_2.pdf (974-MANUAL_2.pdf, 4,233 Kb) [下載]

979manual.pdf (979manual.pdf, 393 Kb) [下載]

999manual.pdf (999manual.pdf, 365 Kb) [下載]

MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer-Manual.pdf (MKS-974-Cold-Cath-Transducer-Manual.pdf, 3,227 Kb) [下載]

PDR900-12man.pdf (PDR900-12man.pdf, 922 Kb) [下載]

901_pinOut_2.pdf (901_pinOut_2.pdf, 263 Kb) [下載]

902_pinOut.pdf (902_pinOut.pdf, 109 Kb) [下載]

909AR_pinOut_.pdf (909AR_pinOut_.pdf, 201 Kb) [下載]

910_pinOut.pdf (910_pinOut.pdf, 239 Kb) [下載]

925_pinOut.pdf (925_pinOut.pdf, 242 Kb) [下載]

971_pinOut.pdf (971_pinOut.pdf, 213 Kb) [下載]

971_pinOut.pdf (971_pinOut.pdf, 213 Kb) [下載]

979B_pinOut.pdf (979B_pinOut.pdf, 218 Kb) [下載]

999_pinOut.pdf (999_pinOut.pdf, 164 Kb) [下載]

MKS_910_1.pdf (MKS_910_1.pdf, 466 Kb) [下載]

MKS_SoftValve_1.pdf (MKS_SoftValve_1.pdf, 881 Kb) [下載]

226A-228A-1028109-001-MAN.pdf (226A-228A-1028109-001-MAN.pdf, 580 Kb) [下載]

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